It felt a bit like Spring today
But not upon my skin
The air was cold, the sky was gray
And my jacket was too thin
The new calves were sitting tight
Against their mothers backs
Pools of water reflected light
In the cattles frozen tracks
It was not a bright warm sun
Nor new buds upon the trees
(Though those can't come soon enough
For an old cowboy like me)
No, it must have been the sound
Of the Redbirds' "pretty" call
The Robins coming back around
After leaving us last Fall
Could've been the shoots of green
Of Daphodils on the rise
Or thousands of honking geese
Flying north across the skies
Yes, I felt it in my bones
Sure as a man can feel a thing
At the ranch, Winter's come and gone
And I sense the birth of Spring
K.L. Dennie 2014