The prairie grass bows and bends
Then rises quickly tall and thin
In a dizzy spirit-dancing spin,
And repeats, in rhythm, over and again,
When the wild prairie winds blow.
The hair blows high upon the back
Of the hungry coyote on the track
Of his early evening snack.
He stealthily pounces in attack
While the wild prairie winds blow.
With the effort of every bough and limb,
Trees reach out to catch the wind.
Briefly subdued, it exits then
You can hear ghostly music in the end,
When the wild prairie winds blow.
Seen only by its grand affect,
Felt on the back of this cowboys neck,
As I fight to hold my hat in check,
I’m glad when it quiets ..and yet,
How I love when wild prairie winds blow.
K.L Dennie 2017